Location: Oregon, United States

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

friends and family

We were able to go to Minnesota to visit friends and family for about a week at the end of June. My parents were in Seattle, so we stayed at their place and then they came through here at the end of their trip. It was totally challenging trying to balance everyone's needs and wants on this trip. There are only so many hours, and so many things we needed to do. Even then, I was having flashbacks to when I was a kid and my parents dragged me around to EVERYONE in Tennessee while they visited. Back then, all there was to do was sit on the cement steps in the back yard and squish ant with our thumb while the grown ups talked. Ugh. At least our kids had video games (one of the few times I've been thankful for the foul things). From the grown-up perspective, one to two hours of face time just doesn't cut it. It was nice, but just enough to make me thirsty for more. And I know darn well that I'm not going to get back for a good long time.

That said, I got to have coffee with a bunch of my friends and it was just like I'd never left - we all talked at once some of the time, and then one person would tell a story while we all listened, and then another, and we laughed and could have cried. We also had a lovely afternoon at the arboretum with a family friend even though it was 96 and humid. (We actually wanted the kids to experience the humidity again because they have a rosy memory of Minnesota weather. Moral: Be careful what you wish for.) We had dinner with our old neighbors, met the new neighbors and got to see what they had done to the house (Good job! We love it!)

We got to spend some really good time with my sister and her family - with the highlight being relating to Teddy - what fun! And we spent a good amount of time with Paul's side of the family as well - so good that William was trying to fanagle a way to stay for the rest of his life. Paul and I stayed with his mom and the kids stayed "on the farm" with the cousins. We were really glad to be able to spend the time with Paul's mom, see with our own eyes how she is doing, and have the opportunity to go to a couple of Doctor's appointments with her to hear things first hand.

So now we are back in Oregon and our new reality. I find that now that I've hit the one year mark, I'm not as inclined to blog. Part of it is a time issue - I'm plugged into work and church and getting to know people in the neighborhood that I can hang out with - so this means I'm not avoiding housework by blogging. Also, what else is there to say? For the first year, it was new every day. Now it's just the same thing over again with a little twist. I think this is something to be thankful for. Frankly, the most interesting thing is work, and I can't talk about that except in the broadest terms.

A couple of updates just for fun, though:

The dog has been sick for about three or four months. Her primary symptom is pooping in the house because she has diarrhea - aren't you glad you read this? Long story short, we've been through all the standard tests and medicines and still can't find what's wrong so she had to go to see a specialist. Now, I love animals, but when we start talking specialists I start seeing dollar signs instead of cute furry animals and this makes me uncomfortable. Nonetheless, the specialist seems to know what he is talking about (as compared to the general vet that was giving me a "deer in the headlights" look every time I asked a question. Encouraging.) The specialist reminds me of Winchester from M*A*S*H combined with Dr. Clark, a professor of mine, only the specialist has slightly more personality and a sense of humor.

The fourth of July was SO FUN!!! One of our neighbors decided to invite the entire cul de sac and then some to barbeque and light fireworks. So we hung around outside (mosquito free), talked to neighbors, got to know others, laughed and generally had a great time. This is good.

My folks were here for five days. We did several touristy things with them, cooked and ate up a storm - fresh berries are in season! - and I had time to really sit and talk with each of them. My dad is especially fun to discuss work situations with because he is willing to grapple with my ideas and question me - it keeps me sharp. He and I also enjoy talking and doing home improvement things and are dangerous at places like Lowe's. So that is fun, too. Mom and I talk about warm and fuzzy things and her health and her grandchildren and how I'm coping out here. So overall, very good stuff.

William got his very first job walking two puppies (labradoodles - so cute!) in the neighborhood (as a result of a contact made at the 4th of July). He is very conscientious, and excited to be gainfully employed.


Blogger Rosie said...

Lydia, I am so fascinated by your insights and perceptions of things. So don't be concerned about writing something "new".
I just hope you can find time in your schedule to share some of your ideas with us.
Love ya.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Bethany Joy said...

no fair- i was gone when you visited *pouts*

i really do enjoy reading your blog. please post when you think of it. but dont feel like we'll hate you if you dont :P

love ya!

9:56 PM  

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